

我在新加坡工作了兩年,我的感受對有興趣到這國家發展的朋友應有少許參考價值。 眾所周知,新加坡是個很整潔的國家,也有花園城市美譽。我也享受那高度綠化的環境,隨處都是跑步的好地方。我以前住在金文泰,每逢黃昏河邊都有數十人跑步踏單車。現在身處異地,不禁有些懷念。 






2 則留言:

  1. Hello Tony,

    I am so glad to read your blog! I am a locally grown and locally educated Hongkonger. I studied Biotechnology as well. I am working in pharma and clinical research organisations, and currently I am locating in Taipei.

    Why I reach your blog because today I just got an offer from the Singapore Office of a German pharma. The prospect is greater than staying in HK or TW, but the living cost there is really appalling.

    It is interesting to realise that you go to Shanghai from SG. Would you mind sharing with me do you think it worths staying in SG for long, like, wait until getting the nationality? It seems to me it is a good place for career and live - but for their citizens only. Shanghai is a possibility for me too... the pharma also has a hub in Shanghai...If you don't mind, would you be happy to share more with me privately (if you don't want to type here)?

    All the best,

  2. Nice to meet you, Francis.

    I worked in the University when I was in Singapore, so I have no comments on the pharma industry there. Anyway I enjoyed my stay in Singapore because of her less polluted environment. It's true that the living cost in SIngapore is far higher than that in HK.

    There have been millions of foreigners, mainly from Mainland China, immigrating into that small country. Singapore government is just cutting the number of new PR as requested by local people.

    I'm working in pharma in Shanghai. Are you a "wet lab" scientist or professional specialized in late-stage development? Big pharma here usually outsource their lab works to CROs. It may not be easy for a wet lab scientist to find a job here.

    BTW, is Taipei a good place to work and live in? I just want to expose myself to different cultures & working environment.


    Tony Wong
